Rumours of Death

The rumours of this blogs death were slightly exaggerated, although justified. Consistently posting required a level of commitment, and time, was not compatible with my increased workload in studies and in the office, combined with my dwindling enthusiasm for acting like a tourist. So I have rather spent my time actually doing stuff, than writing about it…

I have just a few weeks left in Taipei now. It is a strange feeling, as most of my classmates are continuing on. They have started thinking about the next semester, while I already feel like I have finished. School does not end until 27th May, but the “big exam”, covering the first 8 chapters in the book, is on Monday 18th May. But common for all students, is a feeling of being tired, and also slightly fed up with Chinese (both the language and the people). A break/vacation will do us all good :). I have bought the rest of the textbooks, and will take them back with me to Norway to continue my studies at my own pace. But maybe not until after summer…

The coming two weeks will see me wrapping up a lot of stuff in different areas of my life here. I will finish studies, wrap up the close cooperation with the Taipei Yahoo! office, buy a lot of souvenirs/books/things, have my TKD yellow belt test, and spend some quality time with friends I’ve gotten to know here. The last days I will clean out my apartment, and mail as much as possible of my stuff back to Norway, to avoid having to overload my suitcase…

I have some random pictures from around Taipei I will share as well, but until Monday I will try to focus on preparing for the exam. So, see you later…

Picture by mugley at Flickr. CC-BY-SA-2.0